Friday, August 26, 2011


I used to chew on these and even eat the paper which wraps the candy.:P

"When I was a kid, I didn't have a laptop, iPod, Blackberry, PS3 or iPad. I played outside with friends, bruised my knees, made up adventurous fantasies and played hide and seek. I ate what my mom made; Jollibee was a treat. I would think twice before I said "no" to my parents. Life wasn't hard, it was great and I survived. Kids these days are spoiled. Re-post this if you appreciate the way you were raised. I think we were happier kids! Kids these days lost something - APPRECIATION"

-Well, This was one of my recent status in FACEBOOK which I see, is true. When I was a kid, I didn't have those fancy tech stuff such as cellphones, MP3 players, heck, I don't even own a Desktop PC back then. I only had our old TV set which is now scrapped in the storage room, my old friends who I used to play with every afternoon, snacks which you could buy for a few cents or a peso, and the dream of becoming a race car driver when I grow up. 

How the times have changed each and every one of us.

Before, whenever we eat at Jollibee or at McDonalds at Dau or at San Fernando, it would either be a birthday party, or it would be my mom or dad's pay day. Eating at these fast food chains was already a BIG TREAT as the quote would say. Not like today that these FF chains are just like cafeterias where you could eat there everyday. But I tell you, nothing beats what your mom or dad would cook for you.

Life was indeed very simple back then. You don't even need a cellphone to call your friends. You can go visit their homes anytime you want as long as they're not busy. You don't need fancy computers just to have fun. All you need are good friends who'll either run after you to tag you, look for you when they're IT, and throw a ball made of paper and scotch tape to tag you out in the game.

Fancy toys and clothes were also a good part of our young lives. Admit it, when you were young, once that your mom or dad brings home a new toy or a new set of clothes for you, you'd go out and meet your friends and boast about your new toy, new pair of shoes or even a new shirt with your favorite character as a print. After that, you would be like the new "talk of the town" or "Ikaw ang BIDA." Hell, I admit, I've been a kid too, and I know how it feels to be the coolest kid among my friends.

Now, if you don't have the Clothes / Tech / Money. You're technically not "IN" and you'd just go away and rot by yourself in a corner.

A lot of people, not only kids, have lost what you call APPRECIATION which means the recognition of something that's important, something that should be valued.

I won't lie to you, and I won't make a fool of myself saying that I haven't lost my APPRECIATION for certain things.. Goodness, no. A lot of times I forget to appreciate the simple things that I see, hear, and feel in my everyday life. I get frustrated whenever I can't get the things that I want, easily forgetting what I already have. I always forget that HE has already given me a lot of things that I should appreciate, that I should value, THAT I SHOULD CARE FOR..

I was inspired by a blogpost that I've read a few hours ago. It was indeed a good post, that 15 minutes of my time was not wasted while I read it. I was really amazed on how the writer appreciated the way things were back when he was young. Try reading it.. I tell you, it's worth it.

It's already 4 in the morning, I'm running out of words to tell. So to end this LOOONG blogpost, I leave you with a quote  plus the link to the blogpost I've read earlier.




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